
I am going through a weird phase. Yesterday, for the second time in a week, I discovered that I was wearing my underwear inside out.

Which is not something I can ever recall doing before.

Now I know that my eyesight is getting worse � since I stopped driving regularly I�m definitely getting more and more short-sighted and will soon, I suspect, have to get my second new prescription in less than 18 months - but it�s by no means so bad that I should be having trouble putting on underwear.

Which leads me to wonder if my recent overdose of Gilmore girls hasn�t infused me with an over-active sense of TV quirk. My quirky thing being that I wear my knickers inside out.

I have been watching a lot of the girls over the last couple of weeks, having finally had the time to run through my season 1 DVDs, with some of the cool end of season 4 episodes on tape and bits of the new season 5 eps thrown in for good measure. And they leave me with that best of TV experiences, a happy giddy smile of enjoying something even though it doesn�t mean anything and isn�t profound. It�s so hard to find that feeling at the movies these days, so its great to keep finding it on TV.

On the other hand, I get an overdose of quirk and am currently sitting here drinking a giant takeaway coffee. And while I am not generally much of a coffee drinker, I don�t think my current cup can be put down entirely to Lorelai�s influence. But rather to the fact that I�m so exhausted that I�ve had to resort to a giant coffee to try and get through the afternoon. On top of the two diet cokes and three cups of tea I�ve already had. (While I may not be a big coffee drinker � I never drank it before I started working and now generally only drink it after a working lunch or when out with clients � I am still a caffeine addict, I just take it in other forms.)

The need for coffee comes more from a combination of not sleeping well for at least three or four weeks and really not much at all for the last week. Add to that finishing a big project last week, trying to catch up on everything else while taking on extra work from the Boss and Howdy while they work on another big project, and tiredness ensues.

But on top of all of that there have been a few family related stresses over the last couple of days which have left me and several other members of the family pretty much wiped out, and so perhaps it�s not a surprise that I�m drinking large amounts of coffee and wearing my underwear inside out.

Ah well, I�m sure some time soon I�ll hit the point where I�m so tired I just have to sleep (though I�m not sure how much bigger the bags under my eyes can get before I reach that point), and this coming weekend is a long weekend of sorts as I live in the city where we get the first Tuesday in November as a public holiday for a horse race, so there is upcoming opportunity for rest. If I�m lucky.

In the meantime I�ve temporarily exhausted my supply of Gilmore episodes, so I�ll have to move on to something else. Something quirk and caffeine free. Alias perhaps.

Though that might lead to putting on wigs instead of wearing underwear inside out...

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time: 1:55 p.m.
26 October 2004
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