Parallel Lives

My downstairs neighbour and I are living parallel lives.

I first noticed this within a week or so of moving in.

In the morning, when I drag my arse out of bed and straight to the shower � preferably without opening my eyes � I can hear her turn on the shower directly below me.

Later, while I�m standing in front of the mirror � hopefully with open eyes � slapping on some lipstick, I can usually hear her blow-drying her hair. (I�d like to add at this point that I can hear this because both our bathroom windows are open, not because the sound-proofing is crap.)

Often, she almost accidentally runs me over as she�s leaving the car park driving to work while I�m crossing the driveway on the footpath on my way to the tram.

On Saturday mornings, I am often washing dishes (usually a week�s worth), when I hear the water running downstairs and realise she�s doing the same.

On Sunday mornings we often just miss each other shuffling to the dingy corner milk bar in our track pants for the papers and bread.

She wears glasses almost identical to mine. And like me, she seems to wear them all the time rather than resorting to contacts.

Two weekends ago I was dozing on my new couch in the afternoon sun with all the windows open and could hear her in her courtyard, which is directly below my living room windows, talking on the phone making plans that involved drinking a lot of wine. And then she hung up and went back to dozing in the sun. Five minutes later I was woken (from just resting my eyes) by the phone � Betty making plans that involved drinking a lot of wine.

But our lives remain parallel. Perhaps because they are so similar we seem to be constantly just missing each other, and I have only actually been close enough to exchange Hellos once.

Two single girls living in their new apartments, frequently seen throwing out boxes from Freedom, and running into our mutual and pleasant yet vaguely pushy Type-A neighbour on whom I will no doubt soon bestow an appropriate nick-name.

One of these days we might actually meet each other. And perhaps have a glass of wine, or two.

before & after


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time: 5:36 p.m.
29 September 2004
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Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
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Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
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