Clayton's Update

I promise I haven�t really been slack about updating, even though it might look suspiciously like I have.

I have actually been working on an entry in my mind, if not on screen, for a couple of weeks. Over the next few days I may even be able to complete it.

Several things have been interfering with actually updating as opposed to thinking about updating.

First, of course, life. You know, annoying things like being really busy at work and having a social life � even a relatively tame one.

Second, all update attention has been directed at the Fashion Watch blog as it�s that time of the year when all the new collections hit the runway. New York Fashion Week has been covered and now attention will turn to London and so on. With stops at the Emmys and the Brownlow along the way.

Third, I�ve actually been getting some other writing done, working on a new novel. After a hiatus that really stretched to almost six months � which is ridiculous, but between computers getting stolen and packing and moving and unpacking and work and life, it�s probably not that much of a surprise. And I am now rejuvenated.

Oh, and I bought a couch. And after almost a week, I still like it!

Oh again, I�m really sorry to the person who found their way here by searched for �building car port� and inevitably must have wound up at an entry about elephants.

ETA: The Emmys coverage is now up at the fashion watch blog, complete with lots of pretty pictures.

before & after


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time: 10:31 a.m.
20 September 2004
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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

time wasters

Television Without Pity
Damn Hell Ass Kings
Calvin and Hobbes

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