Windy Cities

I knew it was all gale-y out this morning as a result of nearly getting blown over at least twice on my way to work. I didn�t realise quite how windy though until I went to the bathroom just now and discovered that, half an hour after arriving at work, my legs are still bright red and windblown even through my trousers.

So, of course, it�s a day when I have a meeting right up the other end of town. A meeting with a long-time client that I�ve never actually met before and therefore want to make a good impression on. Not a windblown, red-nosed, fly-away hair impression. Ah well.

* * *

I am currently vacillating back and forth between keeping digital satellite TV when I move and giving it up and subscribing to one of those deliver DVDs to your door services. There are pros and cons on both sides. And one element totally out of my hands: is the body corporate going to approve satellite(s) on the roof of the building? One would hope so, but I don�t know yet as the whole building has just been divided up, so the body corporate doesn�t even have rules yet.

If it�s not approved then the decision will be made for me. If it is approved, I hope it happens before I move. The last thing I want is to have to cancel my contract, pay the cancellation fee, and then three months later have to get it hooked up again because the body corporate has approved it and there�s no decent reception in the rest of the building.

In the meantime I will continue to vacillate.

* * *

I will also continue to be hooked on SimCity 4.

I actually bought the game when it came out for mac about (at least) 12 months ago. Stupidly I didn�t double check the specs and it turned out that the graphics card on my old iBook wasn�t big enough. The game would load and run fine � I just couldn�t see much of it.

So it�s been sitting around waiting for a new computer and taunting me ever since. Until last night. It got loaded into my new computer pretty much instantly, and then I spent an engrossed and slightly frustrated evening playing the game and watching my new Sex and the City DVDs.

By no stretch of the imagination am I a gamer. I have no interest in, or skills applicable to, almost every game on the planet, be it computer, console or even the old Space Invaders tables. Really the only games that can hold my interest are Tetris and SimCity and ever has it been so.

SimCity 2000 was my game, though I started out playing the original. But as a result of the forward movement of technology I actually haven�t had access to any version of the game in quite a few years. Not sure how many really, but enough that all my instincts for it seem to have faded far into the background. It doesn�t feel like I�ve never built a city before, though it does feel close.

The addictive nature of it has kicked right back in though. I was well after midnight when I dragged myself to bed last night, every city attempt deep in debt and crashing around my ears. I have no doubt that this evening will be exactly the same. But soon enough the cities will be thriving and I will be in full megalomaniac-meets-frustrated-architechture-was-my-second-career-choice mode. I regard it as a good thing that although I have my new computer with me in the office today � I�m certainly not leaving it at home - I have chosen to finish this entry over lunch, rather than starting a new city.

On the other hand, if the addiction continues I won�t have to worry about the digital TV issue because I�ll be spending so much time in front of the computer that I won�t even notice not having movies on demand.

before & after


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time: 1:10 p.m.
01 June 2004
reading : Desolation Island
watching: Sex and the City Season 6
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