What Kind of Month Has This Been?

I have a feeling that May 2004 is a month that will live long in my memory.

I cannot think of a more eventful month in my life to date. It has been a month of small, medium and large events, virtually none of which were predicted when the month began.

In fact, when April ended the only thing on the agenda for May was a trip interstate for my cousin�s wedding, and a vague idea that I might cut my hair.

I did cut my hair, but that turned out to be only the beginning.

I also had a washing machine saga, had my front fence knocked over, got robbed, cut my hand, went away for a long weekend, finished my manuscript and submitted it to a competition, bought an apartment, got approved for a home loan to pay for said apartment, and, this morning, had my shiny new PowerBook delivered to my office.

Deep breath.

I think that�s enough for one month, don�t you?

I�m still trying to figure out how I feel about it all. I should be feeling like I have achieved something, but I can�t quite fix on that yet. Perhaps that will come the next time I see someone around my age who is being outrageously successful and start to get depressed about being in my thirties and not having done anything yet.

When that thought creeps up I will be able to bash it back down with �I bought an apartment!� and �I finished my book and actually did something with it!�, and, if I get really desperate, �I cut my hair!�.

Interestingly though, after a flat out busy month I actually did nothing this weekend. I slept in, did some pottering around at home and went to see Kill Bill Vol. 2, and that was all. And it felt very strange. First, because I can�t remember the last weekend when I got to sleep in. Second, I realised by Sunday when the simple pleasure of lying around watching TV had partly started to wear off, I missed my computer. I missed writing.

I�ve been so busy at weekends since my computer got stolen that I haven�t had a chance to miss it beyond not being able to log on and check the news, or my stats, but with a whole weekend at home and a million new ideas rolling around in my head, I was really missing the ability to sit down and pour them all out. Notebooks and long-hand just aren�t the same for longer pieces. Ideas and scraps, yes, full paragraphs, pages, chapters, no.

But that was cured this morning when at 5 to 9 a huge box arrived for me. It could only be one thing � my new PowerBook. (It was an iBook that got stolen, but I decided I might as well upgrade now, given I don�t plan to upgrade again for many years what with a mortgage and all.) I wasn�t expecting it to arrive for at least another week � I only ordered it on Wednesday � and now, of course, I�m spending the whole day in the office being distracted by it and wanting to get home in order to load all the software and properly test it out. It is very shiny though.

And so May 2004 comes to an end. As I head into June I�m hoping for a month with nothing much to do except play with my new computer, turn into a decorating nerd while making plans for the apartment, celebrating the first anniversary of this site and hanging out with friends.

After all, May had enough activity for at least six months, and in July and August I�ll be settling on and moving into the apartment, and celebrating birthday month, aka August.

before & after


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time: 1:05 p.m.
31 May 2004
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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

time wasters

Television Without Pity
Damn Hell Ass Kings
Calvin and Hobbes

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