Oscar Fashion Watch

My take on the Oscar fashions � because I know you�re dying for another opinion.

My overall impression is bland. Principally in terms of colour. Style was generally pretty good, but the continuous stream of nothing colours � particularly following the glorious parade of colour at the SAG awards � was pretty disappointing.

That being said:

Does Renee Zellweger feel that she�s so unlikely to get married that she has to dress as a bride on the night she�s certain to win an Oscar?

Of the other whites I liked Diane Lane�s, Angelina Jolie was meh � but I don�t think she�s the type who will ever look convincing in a big gown, so it�s the effort that counts � Uma Thurman�s was a little odd, but I didn�t hate it, and Sandra Bullock is another one of those who never looks remotely comfortable in a gown and while the top of hers was simple I just don�t understand the layered poufs on the bottom. Vanessa Paradis� vintage Chanel was great for her but probably wouldn�t work on anyone else.

Of the neutrals I liked Naomi Watts� the best � it seemed to have some texture as well as sparkle. I�m not at all sure what Charlize Theron had done to her skin, but wearing such a neutral dress only made it stand out more. Julianne Moore, Patricia Clarkson, inoffensive. Julia Roberts didn�t quite look comfortable in her dress, though I quite liked it and it gave her some curves.

Speaking of curves, where the hell did Catherine Zeta-Jones go? The dress had colour going for it, but she seems to have shrunk so that it wasn�t nearly as convincing as some of her previous efforts.

I didn�t really go for any of the pale blues/greens. Nicole Kidman�s was practically an x-ray thanks to cut and fabric, Annie Lennox was another not looking comfortable in a gown although the dress itself was ok and Jada Pinkett�s looked very bit-ty.

The full blues � aka boob dresses � of Marcia Gay Harden and Jamie Lee Cutis both deserve to go straight back to whatever closet in hell they came from. Scarlett Johanssen�s bluey-green was much better in terms of colour and style, and she looked comfortable in it.

Then there were the relatively few darks. Robin Wright-Penn was another that looked inoffensive but too skinny. Susan Sarandon looked good, but I preferred her Golden Globes dress. Liv Tyler is supposed to be this fashion queen, but I very rarely like what she wears and this was no exception. Sofia Coppola looked good, and like she�d gone for something she was comfortable with rather than leaping up to the hype of the evening.

Jennifer Garner looked good, the bangs suit her, but again, I liked her SAG dress better.

Diane Keaton will forever remain Diane Keaton, and that will forever give us fashion that makes you go �hmmmm�.

That is my two cents worth, and for the record I�m wearing black pants and a bubble-gum pink v-neck sweater.

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time: 3:15 p.m.
02 March 2004
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