Bring on the Hail

I have returned to a degree of slackness in adding entries this week, but it�s been busy at work and I�ve been getting increasingly more run down as the week has gone on. Which has now hit a low point as I have contracted a fabulous cold.

For which I blame Betty entirely. Betty took off this morning for three and a half weeks overseas, and left me with the cold that he had been only tenuously suffering from as a means to take two pre-holiday days off work this week. There is, however, nothing tenuous about my suffering. Also, I have no idea how anyone can manage to take two sick days off right before going away for almost four weeks, but more power to Betty for achieving this.

I woke up sick yesterday and battled through the work day � because I�m too busy to justify a sick day and I have no holidays on the horizon at all (two days off to move not counting as holidays) � with the feeling I was forgetting something. When I went to bed after a healthy and purely medicinal dose of wine and chocolate I discovered what it was. Night-time cold and flu tablets.

As a result I had a long night of not breathing and tossing and turning and woke up after only a couple of hours sleep feeling like nine kinds of crap.

Having purchased the required tablets and a large orange juice on my way into the office I then managed to quite successfully spill half that orange juice all over my keyboard. I figured the day could only get worse from there.

But so far so good. With an eye to leaving early I managed to get through an unreasonably large amount of work this morning, and I now am only waiting for one email to come in so that I can leave. If it doesn�t arrive in half an hour I might leave anyway and deal with it from home later.

And it�s Friday, and ahead of me is a Saturday with a truly appalling weather forecast which includes hail. Which is absolutely perfect. I�m sick, I�ve just received my Six Feet Under Season 2 DVDs, and my house mate has gone overseas � so a long rainy Saturday on the couch under a blanket with nothing to disturb me or interrupt my watching, reading or napping awaits me and I want it to start as soon as possible.

Then on Sunday I�ve got the final inspection on my new apartment. Where I will be able to answer for once and for all the question that has been nagging me since I signed the contracts: will my washing machine actually fit in the allotted washing machine space?

That�s probably it for the weekend, but no doubt there�ll be some new additions to the fashion blog.

before & after


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time: 12:29 p.m.
16 July 2004
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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

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Television Without Pity
Damn Hell Ass Kings
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