Long Weekend Standard Time

The problem with a long weekend like the one we just had is that is puts me on Long Weekend Standard Time, instead of the Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time.

Long Weekend Standard Time is created by a great balance of going out at night and having no commitments during the day. So I quickly get into the pattern of staying out or staying up late, waking up kind of late, and then having an afternoon nap. Which, as I�ve discussed before, is my most natural sleeping pattern. And very easy to get into when I�ve got that extra day over the weekend.

So the long weekend goes like this. Friday night, head out for post-work drinks and dinner and then go to see a band. In this case the very pleasing to the ears and eyes Pete Murray, who I didn�t know much about before, but thought why not? He turned out to be pretty good, and plays really well live. It was a good, late evening.

As a result I didn�t drag myself out of bed until 11ish on Saturday and then, after pottering around a bit and doing the normal Saturday morning stuff like washing my clothes, I sat down to write for a few hours, then read and nap for a while before getting up and heading out to dinner with some visiting friends.

The pattern on Sunday and Monday were pretty much the same, except I didn�t go out Monday night, I just stayed up much later than planned reading.

By Tuesday getting up for work was difficult but not impossible. Staying awake in the mid-afternoon, during the previously appointed nap hour, was extremely difficult. Especially when being at work naturally requires not only consciousness, but also actual thinking.

Actually, I think that after the struggle of Tuesday afternoon, my body is now back on its natural clock. After travelling through several different time zones, trying to get back into work, and suffering through the cold in the last few weeks I had taken to going to bed at 9pm or earlier, which is just ridiculous. Now I�m back to a more mature hour and general wakefulness in the afternoons.

In other news, I may have ESP or some equivalent prognosticating ability. Last night I had a dream the only bit of which I remember is seeing my old boss on the street. I know he know works around my office but really haven�t seen him in five years, so we � in the dream � just nodded vaguely to each other. Then, on my way to work this morning, who do I pass on the street but my old boss. Creepy. In real life it was a slightly different street that we passed on and while I half-smiled and nodded vaguely at him I don�t think he noticed me, and if so he didn�t recognise me. Strange nonetheless.

And yes, I did add that last bit just because I like writing �nonetheless�.

In further other news, obviously its been a little busy around here over the last week or so, and will continue to be for the next week or so, thus the slack updates.

before & after


About me

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time: 12:53 p.m.
11 March 2004
reading : The Mauritius Command - the 4th Aubrey/Maturin novel
watching: My new favourite week night combination of The Next Top Model and What Not to Wear
listening to: Pete Murray

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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

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Television Without Pity
Damn Hell Ass Kings
Calvin and Hobbes

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