The Viewing Habits of the Urban Professional Female

Since my housemate Betty left over the weekend to do the family Christmas thing, and Christmas television is such a disaster area, I�ve had the opportunity to break into my DVD and video collection and start watching all the stuff I can never watch when Betty is around.

I�m talking TV here, shows that I have taped or bought, kept and watched more than once. So last night I�m sitting on the floor going through the massive collection of video tapes looking for something to watch and realise that I really do have some odd stuff. And I�ve no doubt liked some odder stuff, because the list isn�t exhaustive of the shows I�ve liked, they�re just the ones I�ve gotten around to taping.

Now, the fact that I tape shows and buy shows on DVD defines me as something of a TV geek. And I admit this freely. However, before getting started with the list, I would like to define the parameters of my geekdom just a little.

I do:

- own more TV on DVD than movies

- get a little obsessive about certain shows

- spend waaay too much time at TWoP

- believe watching TV is a perfectly respectable pastime and qualifies as a social event, and in some circumstances, a sport

I do not:

- follow Star Trek, Babylon 5 or Doctor Who

- own any TV-show related merchandise other than the DVDs

- write or read any kind of fan fiction

That being said, I have currently have the following things available for watching in my house, in no particular order:

- Alias - seasons 1 and 2 on DVD

- Buffy - seasons 1-6 on tape. Interestingly I haven�t yet replaced the tapes with DVDs and have no immediate plans to do so

- Angel - seasons 1-3 on tape (though not having season 4 is accidental, not deliberate). Also not yet replaced with DVD

- The West Wing - seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, seasons 3 and 4 on tape

- Homicide � Life on the Street - seasons 1-3 on DVD, seasons 4-6 and the Movie on tape

- The X-Files - seasons 1-6 on DVD (bought when recently on mega-sale), seasons 7 and 8 on tape

- ER - most of seasons 1-5 (I think) on tape

- NYPD Blue - season 1 on DVD. The only season I liked. I kept watching through the early Smits years, but gave up for good after about season 3

- Red Dwarf - season 1 on DVD. This was a gift, but the DVD extras are totally worth it

- Six Feet Under - season 1 on DVD. Will get the others when they come out. Don�t have this on tape because of crappy scheduling and TV reception issues on the relevant network here

- The Office - seasons 1 and 2 on tape. Still debating the DVDs because although I find the show hilarious I suspect it might not be something I�ll watch repeatedly

- Press Gang - almost all episodes of this late 80�s/early 90�s teen dramedy starring Julia Absolutely Fabulous Sawalha and Dexter Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Fletcher, on tape

- China Beach - almost all episodes on tape, except the last one of which I only have half because it was an extended episode of which cable only seems to play the first half

- Moon Over Miami - all episodes of this short-lived 1993 (thanks imdb) romantic comedy detective series with Billy (or is it Bill?) The Rocketeer Campbell and Ally Profiler Walker on tape

- Cardiac Arrest - almost all episodes of this both funny and dour British medical drama from the mid 90s on tape

- Corelli - several episodes of this depressing ABC prison drama, best known as the show that introduced us to Hugh Jackman (and him to is wife, incidentally) on tape

- Gilmore Girls - season 1 on tape. Or I will have by this Saturday when the final ep of the season runs on cable here. Am a late-comer to this show due to aforementioned reception problems. Will buy this on DVD when it comes out

- The Young Ones - all episodes on tape. Will get around to buying these on DVD, but probably when they come out in box set form

- SeaChange - all episodes on tape. Another one I�ll eventually get around to getting on DVD. Mmmm David Wenham

- Hamish Macbeth - almost all episodes on tape

- The Bill - don�t worry, I don�t have twenty-odd years of this on tape. I do have a nice selection of episodes though, most featuring John Boulton. Coincidence? I think not

- Sex and the City - seasons 1-4 on DVD

- Between the Lines - all episodes of the really great UK police drama on tape. Although the third and last season wasn�t nearly as good as the first two

- Drop the Dead Donkey - a large number of the episodes of this British comedy on tape, which like many of the other things on this list faded out the longer it went on. Parts of this don�t hold up as well because a lot of the humour was so time-specific � it was on the air both in the UK and in Australia within a week of being made so was extremely on topic

- random episodes of other bits and pieces

What does this say about me?

Well, whatever it says about me, I�d like to say in my in defence that unlike certain other people I could name (Nathan) I don�t have every episode of Minder. Or (Betty) Robotech and Monkey, both on DVD, I might add. Okay, I admit this last one might be considered pretty cool for people in my age group, but its just that Boofhead spent so much time doing those bloody Monkey impressions when we were growing up that he put me right off and I now can�t stand the show. To the point that Betty Boofhead and the Munchkin are planning on doing a Monkey marathon the next weekend that I�m away, and they�re welcome to it.

Going to the pub now (though I still have to work tomorrow morning, goddammit). And the home, to watch some TV.

before & after


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time: 3:37 p.m.
23 December 2003
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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

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