
Rough Night, Rough Nail, Rough Day

My subconscious was apparently in some kind of an angry mood last night.

I�m pretty sure I slept through the night, but woke up remembering dreams that featured me yelling at, and hanging up on, a couple of clients that I generally have no problem with. I don�t usually remember my dreams, but I remember this well enough that I wonder if I wasn�t doing the yelling out loud.

Then, when I got in the shower this morning I discovered a series of really nasty scratches on my hip. As I was sleeping alone, and the scratches seem consistent with my slightly jagged thumb nail, I have to wonder what exactly I was doing in my sleep in order to draw blood.

All of that aside I was still fairly convinced I�d had a decent night�s sleep. Until the post-lunch desire to sleep hit me. Usually there�s a post-lunch lack of motivation. But not so far as wanting to put my head on the desk and go to sleep.

So I�m battling through the afternoon wanting to sleep, and with a really sore hip.

before & after


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time: 2:40 p.m.
28 November 2003
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