

My slackness in updating over the last week or so is really just symptomatic of my general slackness over recent months.

Sure, work has picked up again over the last week (after a mere one week of happy slackness on that front) which has genuinely given me less time to write during the week, but I really have no excuse for the weekend just gone, because I had time on my hands and chose to use it cleaning the house, washing the clothes, and I can�t think what else, frankly. I know there was some Harry Potter reading and some Homicide DVD watching in there, but certainly not enough to take up a large chunk of the weekend.

And my slackness has manifested itself in terms of writing � both for this site and generally � and doing another favourite thing: going to the movies.

I am a movie person. I go through phases of going at least once a week. But up until last weekend I hadn�t seen a movie since April that wasn�t shown on a plane. And last weekend I only went because Smurfette won tickets to a premiere and then couldn�t go, so Betty and I went at the last minute. Bad Eggs Fun movie.

So tonight, with the post-24 pre-Alias hiatus of Monday night television goodness leaving me at a loose-end instead of drinking beer on Nathan and Smurfette�s couch, I�ve decided to finally go and see Matrix: Reloaded. Yep, that�s how slack I�ve been. Still haven�t seen the Matrix.

I have found in recent years that for some reason if I don�t go see a movie the first week it opens I usually don�t go. I just seem to loose all momentum. And because I have every cable movie channel they offer in this country and therefore don�t rent DVDs very often, usually if I miss it at the theatre then I don�t see it until it hits cable. Or I think I might like it and just buy the DVD sight-unseen.

For this reason I love the period between Christmas and New Year when I�m usually on holidays and there are 75 movies opening each day. Last year I didn�t go to the movies for three months and then between mid-December, aka Die Another Day opening day, and New Years Day, I went to the movies 9 times.

So I am now trying to break the slackness and the see it only when it comes out habit. We�ll see. A good judge should be when my next post is!

On other notes, I didn�t win the lottery, goddammit! But I am about to pay off my student loan, which is a lottery win of its own I�d have to say.

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time: 5:49 p.m.
21 July 2003
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The Big Move - 12 December 2004
Sshh! Don't Tell the Brain - 08 December 2004
Not at Home! - 06 December 2004
Meetings and Roasted Garlic - 03 December 2004
Running for my Wardrobe - 02 December 2004

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Television Without Pity
Damn Hell Ass Kings
Calvin and Hobbes

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